The work of René Descartes is probably familiar to most people. His statement “I think therefore I am” has, in a sense, determined the course of the history. However, not much is known about his private life, especially his time in Egmond. For who knows that he not only lived in Egmond for many years but also had a relationship with a Dutch woman and even had a child together? A child who tragically died very young. What did his life look like during all those years and what influence did it have on his thinking?

Together with Pierre Drouot, Paul Hegeman made this film about the life and work of perhaps the most famous philosopher in history. There will be a celebratory premiere of the extended version of the film on June 9. The premiere will be at our own Filmtheater Cinebergen and will also be open to the public. Of course Paul and Pierre will both be there to give an introduction and to talk about the film afterwards.